St Francis Premier Soccer Club presents the third edition of the St Francis Zombie Cup Classic from November 1st, 2024 to November 3rd, 2024.  

St Francis has a long tradition of hosting quality, enjoyable soccer tournaments for players of all ages.  We offer all our teams a minimum of 3 games on our well-maintained, irrigated fields.  Our tournament draws teams from all over the Midwest providing everyone with a competitive experience.  

St Francis Premier Soccer Club is located on the Southside of Indianapolis, conveniently located just off of I-65 with a wide variety of lodging and restaurant options.  


U8 (4v4):            $495

U9-10 (7v7):       $650

U11-12 (9v9):      $750

U13-15 (11v11):     $850

Any club sending 5 or more teams will receive a $50 discount per team. 



7915 S. Emerson Avenue


Indianapolis, IN 46237


St. Francis Soccer Club

7702 S Arlington Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46237

All documents must be submitted electronically. Please upload all required documents into your GotSport registration the Sunday prior to the tournament

Team documents that must be submitted: 

Copies of validated player/coach/manager passes issued by USYSA or US Club Soccer (rostered players and guest players) as they are listed on your official roster.

  1. One copy of the official stamped and validated team roster. Please cross off players who WILL NOT be attending.
  2. One copy of your official player cards.
  3. Copy of guest player form, if applicable.
  4. Travel Permit from your state organization (For USYSA teams outside of Indiana. Not required if the roster is US Club Soccer)


All registration documents must be uploaded online to your team's Gotsport account. 

Questions regarding check-in can be emailed to Maaika Mondi at  mmondi@stfrancissoccer.com 

All non-commuting teams participating in the tournament should take advantage of our special event pricing and make all hotel accommodations using our tournament housing services to protect your team.  

Please do not call the hotels directly. Instead, please book through the hotel reservation link below.  

St. Francis Soccer Club is proud to partner with HBC Event Services, a housing agency with a nationwide reputation for excellence in managing travel for sports events.  HBC Event Services provides an easy way for you to book your hotel rooms with our partnered hotels at the best rates.  These rates are lower than their best available rate and usually include breakfast for your team. 

Finally, you have the ability to purchase a Travel Protection Plan with up to 100% for covered cancellations reasons as well as a Cancel for Any Reason benefit of 75% coverage of your unused non-refundable prepaid expenses for travel arrangements you paid for your trip, including the event registration costs.

We encourage you to book your hotel reservation below and select YES to add the Travel Protection Plan and protect your trip. 

Alternatively, you can call HBC directly at 505-346-0522 (Travel Protection Plan can only be added to your booking within 20 days of your hotel reservation date).

To see the full terms and conditions of the Travel Protection Plan, please click here.

We appreciate your support and we look forward to this year's event!

Please call HBC Event Services at (505) 346-0522 and/or support@hbceventservices.com if you have any questions and/or have any special hotel requests.

Hotel Link (We ask that all teams book your hotel from one of our preferred locations)

Field Map

Tournament Rules

Medical Release

Guest Player Form

Severe Weather Safety Policy

Permit to Host

Field Locations:

St. Francis Soccer Club

7702 S Arlington Ave 

Indianapolis, IN 46237

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